Used to claim bonus reward for a smart contract, if eligible.
Used to claim bonus reward for a smart contract on behalf of the specified account, if eligible.
Used to claim dApp reward for the specified era.
Claims some staker rewards, if user has any.
In the case of a successful call, at least one era will be claimed, with the possibility of multiple claims happening.
Claims some staker rewards for the specified account, if they have any.
In the case of a successful call, at least one era will be claimed, with the possibility of multiple claims happening.
Claims all of fully unlocked chunks, removing the lock from them.
Cleanup expired stake entries for the contract.
Used to force a change of era or subperiod.
The effect isn’t immediate but will happen on the next block.
Locks additional funds into dApp staking.
Used to enable or disable maintenance mode.
Can only be called by manager origin.
Transfers stake between two smart contracts, ensuring bonus status preservation if eligible.
Emits a StakeMoved
Used to register a new contract for dApp staking.
Warning: Doc-Only
Used to change dApp owner.
Used to modify the reward beneficiary account for a dApp.
Used to set static tier parameters, which are used to calculate tier configuration.
Tier configuration defines tier entry threshold values, number of slots, and reward portions.
Stake the specified amount on a smart contract.
The precise amount
specified must be available for staking.
The total amount staked on a dApp must be greater than the minimum required value.
Wrapper around legacy-like unbond_and_unstake
Attempts to start the unlocking process for the specified amount.
Unregister dApp from dApp staking protocol, making it ineligible for future rewards.
This doesn’t remove the dApp completely from the system just yet, but it can no longer be used for staking.
Unstake the specified amount from a smart contract.
The amount
specified must not exceed what’s staked, otherwise the call will fail.
Used to unstake funds from a contract that was unregistered after an account staked on it.
This is required if staker wants to re-stake these funds on another active contract during the ongoing period.
Active update BonusStatus
according to the new MaxBonusSafeMovesPerPeriod from config
for all already existing StakerInfo in steps, consuming up to the specified amount of
Wrapper around legacy-like withdraw_unbonded